We are providing Support Corporate clients all over Asia Pacific Regions.

Customer 24/7 Support

The Partnership
After the Installation:

The average business keeps its telephone system for 7 to 10 years, and a small percentage will double that timeframe. The relationship after the initial installation is equally as important as the one in the beginning. Our Technical team has an average of twenty plus years in the industry. We understand that
the lifeline in most business is their communication system.

Clients receive complete end user and system administrator training at the time of installation. During the first year, our clients can request a complete follow-up training at no charge and learn to further utilize features in their new communication system. You will also gain access to training facilities, webinars and user groups.

Remote diagnostic software provides our Call Center Engineers the ability to analyze system trouble. If the trouble cannot be resolved, the Field Technicians are dispatched, with the collected data and parts to quickly assist our clients.

Service level Agreements are helpful when budgeting the cost of a communication system. Global Link offers three different tiers of service agreement in order to meet your requirements. We also offer contracts for international businesses who require supports locations throughout the world.

Global Link Internet Limited | Leading Internet & IT Solutions Provider